I know no one in Oregon believed me, but I really do have a friend who isn't Ty Dan. He just lives in London, and can't ever come visit me. Or rather, he couldn't come visit me until this week. That's right, my best pal Yuji came to town, and we've been hanging out ever since.
Well, ok, he's Dan's friend, but he is in town, and that means increasing our social group from 2 to 3. With this 50% addition to the crew, I found a new confidence that I have been lacking ever since my previous friends sent me in to exile when they realized Dan and I were actually similar people. Surely the volleyball girls will think I'm cool now. With our confident threesome, adventures have been happening nearly every day, and I haven't quite had a chance to digest all that has occurred. Just a few things that have happened while Yuji's been here:
We went bowling next to a big black guy named Reggie.
Now, as soon as I heard we were going to be bowling next to Reggie, I was immediately afraid. I thought "Maybe we should wait for another lane to open. Maybe there's a reason no one is bowling next to him." And this isn't because he's big and black (it's racist of you for thinking that's what I was thinking), no, it was because he was insane. Reggie mumbled to himself a lot, even yelled at us for distracting him. He claimed that we thought it was funny, and bowling was just a game, when in reality his life was on the line. He bowled over 21 games that night we were there and was dripping with more sweat than Jerry Sandusky during his trial. But the worst part about all of it was that he wasn't even very good. Sure, he bowled 150's... but even I bowled a 141. Needless to say, I was unimpressed by Reggie's bowling prowess for how much he talked.
However, our week did not end at Reggie. We've remained busy by playing Extreme Hunter 2™
Going adventure golfing (don't you dare call it mini golf)
And partying at Taylors (at which I got shut down by an extremely overweight girl to dance). Yuji's gotten the full Eugene experience.
After all of this, my graduation ceremony came at the most opportune of times. Now I get to prove to Yuji how cool and popular I am in Eugene.
At the ceremony for my Human Physiology department, there were some good speeches by faculty, a great speech by an undergraduate, and god awful speech by someone who I'm not going to name.
But no one really cares about the actual ceremony; everyone just likes the pictures to prove that you were there.
So without further ado, here is the picture recap of the day.
Pre Ceremony |
Sitting next to my RA from freshman year |
Me and my best friend Yuji. Dan's there too. |
He's really smart, I swear |
Pics with professors |
Pics with friends |
Pics with family |
Pics of everyones favorite AT |
And Yuji getting his honorary diploma holder |
Congratulations on graduating six months ago!