Friday, March 16, 2012

So it begins

I'd like to start this blog by stating one thing: I am not Dan Mahoney.

That being said, we are similar people. 
  • We both race bikes
  • We both love volleyball
  • We are socially incompetent 
  • Our cynical realism translates into humor far too politically incorrect to state here
  • We like to complain about things. Especially to Time reporters.
Although there are many eerily similar traits that we share, there is a crucial difference between us; I still try. Now, this isn't to say that Dan doesn't try at anything in life (he sure as hell tries to lose weight) but it's fair to say that he doesn't try at remedial things that aren't worth his time (i.e., talking to an attractive girl for small talk purposes). I still put on a facade for people I don't necessarily get along with, still try things that I'm not necessarily comfortable doing, and still believe that somehow this is a better idea than to not try to give any effort at all.
Dan reassures me that, in time, this will pass and that I too will stop trying. But until then, I will update this blog with my minor life victories of my efforts and triumphant stories which I am sure to embellish to a point that fiction and nonfiction become a blur.

I'm off to mount my rhinoceros. 

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